"... when it came to negotiating the actual settlement they were really thorough and determined in pursuing the best settlement they could get for me.
They fought and fought. "
"I'm Head Groundsman at a college in Kent, in charge of maintaining 42 acres with a team of 3 others.
"In October 2004 I was driving a tractor mower which became blocked with grass cuttings and, while trying to free it, the machine cut off my left forearm.
"The pain was excruciating and it was very traumatic.
"I've had 11 operations and been fitted with a prosthetic arm.
"And as a result of a Health and Safety investigation a prosecution was successfully brought against the manufacturers of the tractor-mower involved.
"I've managed to get on with life and have returned to work part time.
"At home some even simple things are impossible, like tying my shoe laces, clipping my finger nails or mashing potatoes. I live with my brother, Peter, who is an enormous help.
"It was quickly obvious I was not going to be able to work to the full retirement age and that raised all sorts of questions about providing for myself in the future.
"Including covering the additional costs of those areas of my life in which I now needed help.
"Life may not be the same but I’m a positive person and determined to make the best of it and my lawyers have been a real help with that."