5th August 2008
In a recent case, our specialist personal injury lawyers assisted a council employee in making a compensation claim in respect of an accident at work.
At the time his accident occurred, the claimant was carrying out an inspection at a block of flats owned by his employer. The steps of the stairwell were covered with smooth tiles that had no ridges or coating to aid grip and rainwater had been able to get in from outside.
This made the floor extremely slippery and the claimant fell. He suffered a serious injury to his left shoulder, which had to be repaired surgically, and injuries to his right shoulder, elbow, wrist and right thumb. These injuries left the claimant with some permanent problems and continuing pain, making it difficult to work or drive.
The claimant instructed our lawyers to assist him in making a personal injury claim against his employer, as he felt that they were to blame for the accident. They were aware that water would get onto the tiles when there had been rain, but despite being aware of the danger that this caused, they did nothing to prevent this.
They were able to negotiate a substantial settlement as compensation for this injury at work.
If you have suffered an injury in an accident at work, road accident, or any other accident caused by the negligence of someone else, you may be entitled to claim personal injury compensation.
Contact The Legal Line for cost free, confidential accident claim advice on 0800 0328511, or by completing a compensation claim enquiry form online.