16th February 2009
Our specialist personal injury lawyers recently secured compensation for a man who was injured when he lost control of his car on an icy road whilst driving into work.
The claimant was travelling to work in icy weather and turned off the main road into an access road to his works’ car park. Although the main roads had been treated with grit and salt more than three hours earlier, the access road was completely untreated.
He lost control of his car and suffered a personal injury in the resulting road accident.
The injured man felt that the Council were responsible for his accident, as they had not taken reasonable steps to ensure that the roads were safe. He appointed our lawyers, who have a wealth of experience in car accident cases, to assist him in pursuing a claim for damages.
The Council asserted that they employed a reasonable system and gave information that they had gritted all the primary roads but had not yet started on the secondary roads at the time of the accident. Although this showed that they did have a policy in place, the Judge found that the large gap between completing work on the main roads and starting on the smaller roads was unacceptable and they should have done more.
Although it is clear that not all roads can be treated at any given time during freezing weather, on this occasion the Council could reasonably have started on the remaining roads by the time of the claimant’s accident and would have most likely prevented it. The Judge found in favour of our client and he was awarded compensation.
If you have been involved in an accident caused by ice, for example a road accident or a slip or fall, you may be entitled to make a personal injury claim.
Contact The Legal Line on 0800 0328511 for specialist accident claim advice on a cost-free basis. Alternatively, complete one of our online compensation claim enquiry forms and we will call you back.