1st February 2008
When a machine malfunctioned and our client tried to rectify the problem, he fell and suffered a personal injury. Our expert lawyers assisted him in claiming compensation for this accident at work.
At the time of his workplace accident, the claimant was working on a shrink-wrap machine. It had a fault and left a trail of shrink-wrap, so he stopped the machine and climbed up onto it. Unfortunately he slipped and sustained an injury.
The claimant felt that the health and safety measures in place at his workplace were insufficient and that his employer was responsible for the incident. He therefore appointed our specialist personal injury lawyers to assist him in recovering damages.
His employer tried to argue that the claimant should have accessed the shrink-wrap by going up some steps or walking around the conveyor, however the claimant advised that both of these methods of access were inaccessible due to boxes and electrical wiring.
The Judge found that the machine was defective, there was an unsafe system of work and the claimant felt it was important to keep production moving, so found in his favour and awarded compensation.
If you or a member of your family has been injured in an accident at work, or any other type of accident where you feel someone else was to blame, it may be possible to claim compensation.
Contact The Legal Line for cost free, sympathetic accident claim advice on 0800 0328511. Alternatively, complete a compensation claim enquiry form online and we will contact you.